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ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

gossip boy(an)
7 posters
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ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 38 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

Pon 08 Avg 2016, 18:16
Yago Vila ::Da li znaš neki programski jezik? happy

Bojim se da ne razumem pitanje hahahaha sta spada u programski jezik? kez
Azor Ahai
Azor Ahai
Postovi : 14246
$ : 24448

ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 38 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

Pon 08 Avg 2016, 18:21
Npr. za kodiranje forumskog dizajna treba da barataš HTML-om i CSS-om, takođe javacript-om. kez

Poslednja serija koju si pogledala? kez
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ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 38 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

Pon 08 Avg 2016, 18:41
E onda jok hahahhaha

Ako mislis na epizodu onda sinoc Čari na Prvoj a ako mialis na celu seriju onda El Principe. To je poslednja koju sam pogledala a da se zavrsila, ostale sto gledam jos traju happy
Azor Ahai
Azor Ahai
Postovi : 14246
$ : 24448

ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 38 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

Pon 08 Avg 2016, 18:53
Omiljeni muški lik iz Charmed? happy
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Pročitao/la si sve zanimljivosti
Postovi : 819
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ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 38 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

Pon 08 Avg 2016, 19:45
Ufff prvo Kol a posle Kupidon happy
Azor Ahai
Azor Ahai
Postovi : 14246
$ : 24448

ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 38 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

Pon 08 Avg 2016, 19:51
Omiljeni zlikovac iz serija koje si pogledala? kez
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Pročitao/la si sve zanimljivosti
Postovi : 819
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ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 38 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

Pon 08 Avg 2016, 20:16
Ufff nemam nekih omiljenih zlikovaca ali posto spomenusmo Cari ajde neka bude Kol hahha
Azor Ahai
Azor Ahai
Postovi : 14246
$ : 24448

ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 38 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

Pon 08 Avg 2016, 20:31
Da li si pisala web novele? happy
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Pročitao/la si sve zanimljivosti
Postovi : 819
$ : 1481

ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 38 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

Pon 08 Avg 2016, 20:47
Nisam happy
Azor Ahai
Azor Ahai
Postovi : 14246
$ : 24448

ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 38 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

Pon 08 Avg 2016, 23:42
Omiljena divlja životinja? kez
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ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 38 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

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