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ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

gossip boy(an)
7 posters
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Postovi : 819
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ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 13 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

Čet 14 Jul 2016, 22:19
Volim dosta njegovih ali izdvojicu Pola moga svijeta i Prokleta bila.
Azor Ahai
Azor Ahai
Postovi : 14246
$ : 24448

ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 13 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

Čet 14 Jul 2016, 22:30
Koga još od domaćih pevača voliš? kez
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ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 13 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

Čet 14 Jul 2016, 22:43
Volela sam i Toseta ali nazalost vise ga nema sad:(
Inace uopste i ne slusam nasu muziku osim njih dvojice
Azor Ahai
Azor Ahai
Postovi : 14246
$ : 24448

ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 13 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

Čet 14 Jul 2016, 22:48
Da li više voliš kada pesmu prati i video spot ili ti to nije bitno? kez
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Postovi : 819
$ : 1481

ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 13 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

Čet 14 Jul 2016, 23:51
Nije mi bitno, jer u današnje vreme spotovi baš i nemaju veze sa pesmom kez
Azor Ahai
Azor Ahai
Postovi : 14246
$ : 24448

ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 13 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

Pet 15 Jul 2016, 00:09
Da li si gledala neki rijaliti šou?
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Postovi : 819
$ : 1481

ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 13 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

Pet 15 Jul 2016, 11:32
Jesam, TLZP i Pinkove zvezdice.
Azor Ahai
Azor Ahai
Postovi : 14246
$ : 24448

ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 13 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

Pet 15 Jul 2016, 14:37
Za koga si navijala u Pinkovim zvezdicama?
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Pročitao/la si sve zanimljivosti
Postovi : 819
$ : 1481

ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 13 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

Pet 15 Jul 2016, 16:04
U prosloj sezoni za Mariju Serdar a u ovoj za Evu i Martiju.
Azor Ahai
Azor Ahai
Postovi : 14246
$ : 24448

ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 13 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

Sub 16 Jul 2016, 09:16
A u TLZP? Ko ti je bio najbolji, a ko najgori u poslednjoj sezoni?
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ScreamMJ is in the hot seats - Page 13 Empty Re: ScreamMJ is in the hot seats

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